Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Salt in Medicines May Cause Heart Attacks and Stroke

Salt in Medicines May Cause Heart Attacks and Stroke, health, medicine, wellness and health

Soluble painkillers, paracetamol and vitamin C are used by billions of people and this may pose a health risk because of high salt content, researchers warned.

Some formulations taken at maximum dose may put users over the recommended daily sodium intake for an adult and this may cause a potentially dangerous consequences.

The researchers found a link between effervescent tablets and heart attacks and stroke.

Patients who regularly took effervescent or soluble medications increased their risk of having a heart attack, stroke or dying from a vascular disease compared to those patients that took drugs without salt. Patients who took medicines with salts were also seven times more likely to develop high blood pressure and hypertension, which the researchers say is at the root of the problem.

Dr Jacob George who is the lead researcher from Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, England said. "We know that high salt causes hypertension and that hypertension leads to stroke."

The British Heart Foundation gave a statement that it is important to remember that the research applied to people who were taking these medicines every day. It does not mean that occasional use could damage your heart health.

Most effervescent medicines contain salt. This is because in order to fizz and dissolve, they contain a substance called bicarbonate, which is often combined with sodium.

Dr Madina Kara a neuroscientist at the Stroke Association, said: “It’s crucial to be aware of our sodium intake, as it is a component of salt. Excess salt in our diet can lead to high blood pressure, which is the single biggest risk factor for stroke.

“A diet low in saturated salt and fat, regular exercise and blood pressure checks can go a long way to keeping your stroke risk down.”

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