Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fat Woman Compiles a Series of Photos of Strangers Sneering at Her

Overweight woman compiles a series of pictures of strangers sneering at her for being overweight. Haley Morris-Cafiero, of Memphis, Tennessee has been struggling with undiagnosed eating disorders and hypothyroidism, which causes a lot of health problems, that includes obesity.

She has set up a Kickstarter page to fund her book series "The Watchers", she wanted to share and make people aware about what it is like to feel judged for her appearance on a daily basis.

She said it all started back in 2010 when she set up a camera to take a self-portrait in the middle of Times Squares in New York City. When she developed the film she was surprised to see a man behind her sneering at her.   

“I never thought that I would capture a glance that can last a microsecond,” she said. Since then, she has been setting up a camera in public to see the looks of strangers while she goes on with her life doing ordinary stuff.

Fat Woman Compiles photo of strangers, overweight

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