Running is a great outlet, it reduce stress, relieves depression, and improves your overall health, and did I mention running keeps you fit? Yes, it is a great way to reduce that bulging weight.
It is one of the best form of exercise that burns calories, but always remember for it to be effective you still needs to reduce food intake. Running will also improve cardiovascular fitness and your immune system.
And did you know that running is recommended as therapy for people who suffers clinical depression and people coping with addiction? Yes, running really is a good therapy.
A lot of women suffer with hair loss. They either change their hairstyle to hide the thinning hair. If you have a thinning hair the best thing to do is act fast the sooner you treat it the higher the success rate.
Minoxidil 2% is approved by the FDA to treat female-pattern hair loss. The stronger minoxidil 5% is for male-pattern hair loss which is very effective.
If you want to try something natural check this video, the author uses Sweet Almond Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, and Bay Leaf Essential Oil to treat hair loss.
Do you feel full all the time or bloated or nauseous, maybe gassy? I do and it makes me crazy! I've been looking for info about it so I thought I'd share. Indigestion or dyspepsia is the difficulty or inability to digest. Symptoms may include bloating, belching and gas, nausea and vomiting, acidic taste, growling stomach, burning in the stomach or upper abdomen, and abdominal pain. While dyspepsia is common, usually caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or gastritis, it is frequently a sign of an underlying problem, so sudden unexplained occurrence of dyspepsia in people over 55, especially combined with other symptoms (vomiting or blood in vomit, unexpected weight loss, loss of appetite, black tarry stools or visible blood in stools, severe pain) may require attention. Other causes include:
Diseases -
Ulcers Stomach cancer (rare) Gastroparesis (a condition where the stomach doesn't empty properly; this often occurs in diabetics) Stomach infections Irritable bowel syndrome Chronic pancreatitis Thyroid disease
Medications -
Aspirin and many other painkillers Estrogen and oral contraceptives Steroid medications Certain antibiotics Thyroid medicines
Lifestyle -
Eating too much, eating too fast, eating high-fat foods, or eating during stressful situations Drinking too much alcohol Cigarette smoking Stress and fatigue
Swallowing excessive air when eating may increase the symptoms of belching and bloating. Sometimes people have persistent indigestion that is not related to any of the factors mentioned above. This type of indigestion is called functional, or nonulcer dyspepsia. During the middle and later parts of pregnancy, many women have indigestion. This is believed to be caused by a number of pregnancy-related factors including hormones, which relax the muscles of the digestive tract, and the pressure of the growing uterus on the stomach.
If you are experiencing these symptoms or if your indigestion symptoms become worse, consult a doctor to rule out a more serious condition.
Here are some tips to relieve indigestion -
Don't chew with your mouth open, talk while chewing, or eat too fast. Any of these may cause you to swallow too much air, which can aggravate indigestion. Drink fluids after rather than during meals. Avoid late-night eating. Try to relax after meals. Avoid spicy foods. Stop smoking. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
To prevent indigestion -
Eat small meals so the stomach does not have to work as hard or as long. Eat slowly. Avoid foods that contain high amounts of acids, such as citrus fruits and tomatoes. Reduce or avoid foods and beverages that contain caffeine. If stress is a trigger for your indigestion, re-evaluating your lifestyle may help to reduce stress. Learn new methods for managing stress, such as relaxation and biofeedback techniques. Smokers should consider quitting smoking, or at least not smoking right before or after eating, as smoking can irritate the stomach lining. Cut back on alcohol consumption because alcohol can irritate the stomach lining.
Avoid wearing tight-fitting garments because they tend to compress the stomach, which can cause its contents to enter the esophagus. Do not exercise with a full stomach. Rather, exercise before a meal or at least one hour after eating a meal. Do not lie down right after eating. Wait at least 3 hours after your last meal of the day before going to bed. Raise the head of your bed so that your head and chest are higher than your feet.
Dandruff are dry shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. As skin cells die a small amount of flaking is normal however, some people experience an unusually large amount of flaking which can also be accompanied by redness and irritation.
Most cases of dandruff can be easily treated with specialized shampoos. There is, however, no true cure.
Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population at the post-pubertal age and of any gender and ethnicity. It often causes itching. It has been well established that keratinocytes play a key role in the expression and generation of immunological reactions during dandruff formation.
A very common fungus called malassezia may contribute to dandruff. This fungus lives on the scalp of most healthy adults without causing any problems. One theory is that the immune system of people with dandruff may overreact to that fungus.
Dandruff may get worse when you're stressed. Cold, dry winters can trigger dandruff or make it worse.
Dandruff has been shown to be the result of three required factors:
Skin oil commonly referred to as sebum or sebaceous secretions
The metabolic by-products of skin micro-organisms (most specifically Malassezia yeasts)
Individual susceptibility
Ingredients in shampoos are used to control dandruff.
Zinc pyrithione - it heals the scalp by normalizing the epithelial keratinization or sebum production or both. Studies have shown a significant reduction in the number of yeasts after use of ZPT, which is an antifungal and antibacterial agent.
Steroids - The parakeratotic properties of topical corticosteroids depend on the structure of the agent, the vehicle and the skin onto which it is used. Corticosteroids work via their anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects.
Selenium sulfide - it controls dandruff via its anti Malassezia effect rather than by its antiproliferative effect, although it has an effect in reducing cell turnover.
Coal Tar - is a keratoplastic causing the skin to shed dead cells from the top layer and slow skin cell growth.
Imidazole antifungal agents - Imidazole topical antifungals such as ketoconazole act by blocking the biosynthesis of ergosterol, the primary sterol derivative of the fungal cell membrane. Changes in membrane permeability caused by ergosterol depletion are incompatible with fungal growth and survival.
Hydroxypyridones - instead they interfere with the active transport of essential macromolecule precursor, cell membrane integrity and the respiratory process of cells. Ciclopirox is widely used as an anti-dandruff agent in most preparations.
Neem - has anti-fungal properties that can be effective in treating dandruff.
Black Pepper - Yes black pepper, it contains the dandruff fighting minerals zinc and selenium. In Indian traditional Ayurveda, powdered black pepper has been used to treat dandruff.
Egg oil - In Indian,Japanese, Unani (Roghan Baiza Murgh),and Chinese traditional medicine, egg oil was traditionally used as a treatment for dandruff, but there is no clinical evidence indicate efficacy for this purpose.
Listerine - Yup the common Listerine use as mouthwash can treat dry and itchy scalp. Listerine kills fungus and yeast that cause the itching and redness of the scalp.
Our skin has tiny holes (pores) that when blocked by dirt, dead skin, or oil it may form a bacteria that may develop a pimple or zit. If the skin is affected repeatedly it is called acne. Acne is one of the most common skin problems that may affect us.
Acne that appears on the face can impact self-esteem and, over time, may cause permanent scarring. Fortunately, there are effective treatments for this condition that reduce both the number of pimples you get and the chance for scarring to occur.
An overabundance of oil, a pore clogged by dead skin cells, and bacteria all contribute to the development of pimples. A zit appears when the bacteria grows in the clogged pore and the oil is unable to escape.
Acne can be found anywhere on your body. It most commonly develops on the face, back, neck, chest, and shoulders. If you have acne, you will typically notice pimples that are white or black in appearance. Both blackheads and whiteheads are known as comedones. Blackheads open at the surface of the skin giving them a black appearance. Whiteheads are closed just under the surface of the skin, giving them a white appearance. While whiteheads and blackheads are the most common types of acne, other lesions can occur.
Here are ways to treat and prevent pimples at-Home:
1) Clean your skin daily with a mild soap to remove excess oil and dirt 2) Shampoo your hair regularly and keeping it out of your face 3) Do not squeeze or pick your pimples, as this spreads the bacteria and excess oil 4) Avoiding hats or tight headbands 5) Avoiding touching your face 6) Use makeup that is water-based or labeled as “noncomedogenic” (not pore-clogging)
Medication, most of these medications contain ingredients that can help kill bacteria or dry the skin. These active ingredients include:
benzoyl peroxide: present in many acne creams and gels, used for drying out existing pimples and preventing new ones sulfur: a natural ingredient with a distinctive smell that is found in lotions, cleansers, and masks resorcinol: a less common ingredient that is used to remove dead skin cells salicylic acid: often contained in soaps and acne washes
Doctors can prescribe medications that may help reduce your symptoms and prevent scarring. Your doctor may give you oral or topical antibiotics. These kill the bacteria that cause pimples. Typically, antibiotics are only used for a short amount of time so that your body doesn’t build up a resistance.