Monday, April 1, 2013



Our skin has tiny holes (pores) that when blocked by dirt, dead skin, or oil it may form a bacteria that may develop a pimple or zit. If the skin is affected repeatedly it is called acne. Acne is one of the most common skin problems that may affect us.

Acne that appears on the face can impact self-esteem and, over time, may cause permanent scarring. Fortunately, there are effective treatments for this condition that reduce both the number of pimples you get and the chance for scarring to occur.

An overabundance of oil, a pore clogged by dead skin cells, and bacteria all contribute to the development of pimples. A zit appears when the bacteria grows in the clogged pore and the oil is unable to escape.

Acne can be found anywhere on your body. It most commonly develops on the face, back, neck, chest, and shoulders. If you have acne, you will typically notice pimples that are white or black in appearance. Both blackheads and whiteheads are known as comedones. Blackheads open at the surface of the skin giving them a black appearance. Whiteheads are closed just under the surface of the skin, giving them a white appearance. While whiteheads and blackheads are the most common types of acne, other lesions can occur.

Here are ways to treat and prevent pimples at-Home:

   1) Clean your skin daily with a mild soap to remove excess oil and dirt
   2) Shampoo your hair regularly and keeping it out of your face
   3) Do not squeeze or pick your pimples, as this spreads the bacteria and excess oil
   4) Avoiding hats or tight headbands
   5) Avoiding touching your face
   6) Use makeup that is water-based or labeled as “noncomedogenic” (not pore-clogging)

Medication, most of these medications contain ingredients that can help kill bacteria or dry the skin. These active ingredients include:

    benzoyl peroxide: present in many acne creams and gels, used for drying out existing pimples and preventing new ones
    sulfur: a natural ingredient with a distinctive smell that is found in lotions, cleansers, and masks
    resorcinol: a less common ingredient that is used to remove dead skin cells
    salicylic acid: often contained in soaps and acne washes

Doctors can prescribe medications that may help reduce your symptoms and prevent scarring. Your doctor may give you oral or topical antibiotics. These kill the bacteria that cause pimples. Typically, antibiotics are only used for a short amount of time so that your body doesn’t build up a resistance.

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