Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Leg Stretches After Running

Experts recommend stretching after you are done with your workout since your muscles are already warm and your joints are lubricated.

Hamstrings Stretch:

Hamstrings Stretch,Hamstrings,Stretch,Stretching

Just Lie on your back with your legs extended and your back straight. Keep your hips level and your lower back down on the floor. Bend your right knee towards your chest, keeping your left leg extended on the floor.Slowly straighten your right knee, grabbing the back of your leg with both hands. Pull your leg towards your gently while keeping both hips on the floor. Breathe deeply and hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat on opposite side. To reduce the intensity of this stretch, bend the knee of the stretching leg.

Quadriceps Stretch:

Quadriceps Stretch,leg stretch,stretching

Stand tall, holding onto a chair or wall for balance if necessary. Keep your feet hip-width apart, your back straight and your feet parallel. Reach back and grab your left foot in your left hand, keeping your thighs lined up next to each other and left leg in line with the hip (not pulled back behind you).Breathe deeply and hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat on opposite side.

Calf Stretch:

Calf Stretch,Calf Stretching,Stretch,Stretching

Stand facing a wall, about 12 inches away from it. Extend your arms in front of your shoulders to place your hands flat on the wall, keeping the elbows bent. Keeping both feet flat, step or slide your left foot (pictured) back, lengthening your left leg and straightening your arms. You should feel the stretch in the calf of the back (straight) leg. The more your lower your heel to the floor, and the farther you slide your straight leg behind you, the deeper you will feel this stretch. Breathe deeply and hold for 10-30 seconds. Switch sides.

Iliotibial (IT) Band Stretch:
Iliotibial Band Stretch,Stretching,leg stretch
With the left side of your body next to a wall, stand tall with your hand on the wall and your body an arm&quots length away from the wall. Cross your right leg (leg farthest from the wall) in front of your left leg (leg closest to the wall) and place your opposite hand on your hip, shoulders relaxed, feet flat on the floor. Breathe slowly and steadily as you push your left hip toward the wall, bending your left elbow. Keep the foot closest to the wall flat on the floor, both legs straight, and your back straight (no leaning forward or back). Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds. Switch sides.

check here for more leg stretches

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