Sunday, June 14, 2015

Health Benefits in Quitting Diet Soda

Diet Soda Infographics, diet soda unhealthy, quit diet soda

Experts said that giving up diet soda will improve your overall health.

- It will help you think clearly since artificial sweetener aspartame disrupts brain chemicals, nerve signals that can lead to headaches, anxiety, and insomnia, in a study done by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

- You'll taste your food better since drinking diet soda with artificial sweeteners overwhelmed your taste buds with sweets and alters sweet receptors in your brain that prolongs sugar cravings rather than satisfies them.

Heather Bainbridge, RD, from Columbia University Medical Center Weight Control Center said:

“We often see patients change snack choices when they give up diet soda. Rather than needing sugary treats or something really salty like pretzels and chips, they reach for an apple and a piece of cheese. And, when they try diet soda again, they find it intolerably sweet."

- It will help you lose weight. Despite being diet soda with no sugar in it, drinking daily will increase your chance of becoming obese in the next decade by 65% according to Diabetes Care since it is connected to an increase in metabolic syndrome—obesity, high blood-pressure, high triglycerides—which leads to heart disease and diabetes.

- Improve your kidney function. When you get rid of unhealthy ingredients in diet soda, your kidneys will be clearing toxins, stabilizing blood pressure, and absorbing minerals.

Diet Soda Infographics, diet soda unhealthy, quit diet soda

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