Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Saturated Fats are Good in Moderation

Saturated Fats, food, health

There are a lot of products that say low or zero fat and people think in an instant that they are healthy because it keep them fit and keep their heart healthy. However, that is not entirely true. The
McMaster University in Canada did not find any link between the amount of saturated fat people ate and their risk of death from heart disease, stroke or Type 2 diabetes. Also there are dietitians that advice people to take in more good fats in our diet.

Food products don't differentiate between good fats and bad fats, so buying food that are zero or low fat is not wise and can harm your health.

Dr. John Briffa of The Cholesterol Truth  said that the mainstream focusing on the dangers of saturated fat are absurdly exaggerated. These means you should not follow the advice of some health advocate or fad diet to cut down on saturated fats just eat in moderation. Eating butter is not bad if taken in moderately since it is rich in saturated fats, vitamins, cholesterol that is important for brain and nervous system development and various natural compounds with anti-fungal, antioxidant and even anti-cancer properties.

If you remove saturated fats from your diet, you will be missing the health benefits that it can give you like vitamins D, E, K, and A. People should know the differences between good and bad dietary fats.

Fats that are bad for you are Trans-fats (Hydrogenated fats) since they are dense and can block your coronary arteries. These fats are made through "hydrogenation" which is a food manufacturing process in which oils are turned from liquid to solid at high temperatures. They add hydrogen atom to the oil molecule which will turn the oil solid.

This fat also increase the level of LDL which are bad cholesterol in our blood, it also lower the HDL which are good cholesterol.

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