Saturday, November 10, 2012

Drinks that can help burn unwanted fat

If you want to be healthy and burn unwanted fat, you need to exercise regularly, eat healthy foods, and watch your eating habits. You can also speed up the fat burning process by increasing your metabolism rate. Here are drinks that can help you burn up those unwanted fats.

Green Tea
Green Tea

Green tea has the capability to increase your metabolism by up to 4 percent making you burn more fat. It is also a mild appetite suppressant that can make you eat less so weight loss comes naturally.

Ice Cold Water

Ice Cold Water

Drinking ice cold water can help your body burn more calories. German scientists recently found that drinking 2 glasses of ice cold water boosts metabolism by 25 percent for 90 minutes. Also muscle cells grow faster when they're well hydrated.


A research done by University of Tennessee found that overweight people who take three servings a day of calcium-rich dairy lost more belly fat than those who followed a similar diet minus two or more of the dairy servings. Though milk is an ingredient for fattening foods like ice creams, candies, and desserts, it is rich in calcium which can help you lose weight as it increases the rate at which the body breaks up the fat cells. However, it's a big no-no to start drinking milk multiple times a day. Drink in moderation, at least one full glass a day.

Soy Drinks

Soy protein is a proven fat-burner. A study by University of Alabama in Birmingham concluded that soy protein can aid fat loss by decreasing appetite and calorie intake. The scientists also found that subjects drinking 20 grams of soy daily for three months lost a significant amount of abdominal fat.

Whey Protein Drinks
Whey Protein Drinks

Whey protein is a dietary supplement from cow's milk that is used by athletes and bodybuilders for its ability to build hard, lean and strong muscles. It's easily digested and absorbed into the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps detoxify the liver. Healthy livers helps burn fat cells stored in all parts of the body. Study shows that obese people who took in 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily in a study melted significantly more body fat and belly fat than a group taking a placebo despite being on the same diet and exercise plan. Vinegar also seemed to help lower bad-for-the-heart triglyceride levels and systolic blood pressure. Take at least two teaspoons of fresh apple cider vinegar with water before taking meals.

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